Mintsogán (Thoughts): The unsuspected paths of avoidance

"Pourquoi j'ai quitté certains réseaux sociaux" (Minsili Zanga)

Mintsogán (Thoughts): The unsuspected paths of avoidance Too many people are ready to live vicariously behind anyone who sells this life by proxy to them, no matter how delusional it is. It’s not just drugs, alcohol and other addictions that are used to escape reality Becoming a fan of… It is also to flee a … Lire l’article…Mintsogán (Thoughts): The unsuspected paths of avoidance

Mintsogán (Thoughts): Lying to oneself

Mintsogán (Thoughts): Lying to oneself Lying is a death of the self especially when one lies to oneself. And the more you lie to yourself, the more you will try to justify your choice/attitude. Behind, an unbridled need to find a coherence, a meaning in what one feels confusedly as anachronistic. And in this need … Lire l’article…Mintsogán (Thoughts): Lying to oneself

African Poetry : Ma wulu mə dúgán á mvús (Backwards I go)

Minsili Zanga - Lecture poétique Ewondo-Français

African Poetry : Ma wulu mə dúgán á mvús (Backwards I go) Fang-Beti poetry (Central Africa) Mëkɔŋ Bëtará băn ! Ma dzәŋ mëkɔŋ Bëtará băn Ma wulu mə dúgán á mvús Ma wulu mə dúgán dzәŋ Ma wulu mə dúgán víbi Eyɔn ma yi kə sɔ woé Mínə káləga ! The spears of our Fathers !I look for the … Lire l’article…African Poetry : Ma wulu mə dúgán á mvús (Backwards I go)

African Poetry : Má ai Wa (Me and You)

Minsili Zanga - Lecture poétique Ewondo-Français

African Poetry : Má ai Wa (Me and You) I go) Fang-Beti poetry (Central Africa) Má ai WaǸsílí o ga kuiMənә zá?Ǹsílí nfә o kə sɔOnә zá? Me and YouAnd the question is bornWho am I?And another questionWho are you? Abím minkunda minsílí!Minsílí akia dədaZá menә fɔ?Zá onә á ǹfaŋ ?Má ai Wa So many questions!Always … Lire l’article…African Poetry : Má ai Wa (Me and You)

Ǹnam biyәyém (Land of my dreams)

Minsili Zanga - Lecture poétique Ewondo-Français

Ǹnam biyәyém (Land of my dreams) Excerpt from Ewondo poetry + zoom on the book that helped me the most in learning to write in Fang-Beti language Sí-ndón ǹvεŋan ǹkilanǸnam biyәyém biáma !A sí biyәyém biáma,Abím minkámáŋ mi mam mí ga kuí ma ! The world upside down Land of my dreams! To the world … Lire l’article…Ǹnam biyәyém (Land of my dreams)