A little moment of hesitation when came the time to choose visuals to illustrate my « inspirations » chapter : should I take a flower whose grace shines behind the lens, a sunset, a face full of expression or a book ? Finally, I opted for two images of Ongóla (Yaounde), my birth’s city.
Why ? Because Yaounde is an integral part of my writings. I would even say that Ongóla was one of my first sources of inspiration, this city nestled under the shadow of its seven hills (much more than 7, in reality!).
Let me stop here, you’ll have time to discover Ongóla by my eyes and my words! ©Minsilizanga.com
I also invite you to the site Dzaleu.com which I am the Editorial Manager, and where Yaounde will be on spotlight :
Photos ©Minsili Zanga
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