magazine en langue Beti, Français et Anglais. Vidéos, News, Culture, Beauté & LifeStyle avec en prime, des supports pour apprendre la langue Ekang

Editor manager, a passion never denied

Providing the editorial management of a media requires, besides the passion of all that touches on writing, to be versatile, eclectic, ready to give as to receive. Open-minded, the Editor manager is able to work with diverse backgrounds. With a good general culture, he must, on the one hand, ensure the creative side, on the other hand, manage his team of editors and collaborators. The goal: to offer the public a production in phase with the editorial line of the media for which he works.

DZALEU.COM : Videos, News, Culture, Beauty & LifeStyle in Ekang, French, English

Editor manager by conviction

Entered into this world as a self-learned (I talk about it in « On upon time CultureFemme… »), I realized that I liked it. Why ? Because in this role, you are a kind of conductor, the one who manages to ensure that the public has the best « symphony » from musicians and various instruments. To make a parallel with cooking, the Editor manager is the one who, using condiments and sometimes disparate elements, is going to compose the best dish.

« The difference is wealth. Unity is as beautiful as when it stems from the singularities assumed by each

To bring together in a coherent « ONE » what at first sight seems different, does it tell you something? I speak about it in the genesis of the novel « Alima and the Prince of the Ocean ». Basically, I have never deviated from this line. Whatever the context, I realize that I have always done it by creating content and managing teams of editors and other creatives, with always beside, the theme of culture.

Today, I highlight my cap as Editor manager on DZALEU.COM, a project that I conceived and conceptualized to concretize my interest for African languages. What’s more normal than starting with mine, the EKANG language, spoken by million of people in Central Africa. Accortding to me, as a DNA of all transmission, language is what underlies and underpins our identity, our vision of the world.

DZALEU.COM, a project that I conceived and conceptualized to concretize my interest for African languages. What’s more normal than starting with mine, the EKANG language, spoken by million of people in Central Africa. Accortding to me, as a DNA of all transmission, language is what underlies and underpins our identity, our vision of the world. : connect Culture & Beauty

And so came in a first version summer 2018! The idea was to offer online a website totally in African language, with a member’s area where the translated version (french) was available. After many adventures that ultimately helped to refine the idea, the final version is online July 2019. More refined, this version is more focused on videos and interactive contents. The icing on the cake, next to the Ekang version, in one click, users have the French and the English’s version.©