MINSILI ZANGA - Mes écrits en ligne : Pierre-Claver ZENG, érudit de la musique

The surprises of Internet: an article old of … 9 years!

The surprises of Internet: an article old of … 9 years!

I am often surprised and pleasantly amused by falling on almost forgotten writings, but that the Internet has kept in its bowels. Last, a text I wrote almost a decade ago (already!) Following the death of artist Pierre-Claver ZENG.

Here is an extract of this text, the totality is available on the link at the bottom of the article:

Pierre Claver ZENG, the artist of words, the scholar who had made music a transmission channel

Pierre Claver ZENG, father of obisco-rock (rhythm that he popularized in the 70s-80s), will remain as an author of songs and texts where poetry flirted with a high command of the language.

Although Pierre Claver ZENG joined the early 90s political scene, impossible to reduce him to this single field as he has helped to enhance the music of Gabon, but more broadly that of his continent.

MINSILI ZANGA - Mes écrits en ligne : Pierre-Claver ZENG, érudit de la musique
MINSILI ZANGA – Mes écrits en ligne
Pierre-Claver ZENG, érudit de la musique
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Talented guitarist with a voice flirting with both highs and deeps, Pierre Claver ZENG sang mainly in the Fang language. Called « Beti » in Cameroon, we find them in Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Cameroon and a minority in the Congo-Brazzaville or Sao Tome e Principe.

For this artist from a continent and a people for whom the word is Verb and multilevel, singing was like an act going beyond singing. Although officially he never defined himself as a committed artist, his words speak for him: Pierre Claver ZENG loved Africa passionately, and never stopped singing it in his lyrics.Pierre Claver ZENG loved Africa, and through it, Man, in what He is most universal, a Man who is all the stronger to be part of the world, because he understood that He must not be cut off and disconnected from his own reality.

The texts of Pierre Claver ZENG, enigmatic for the layman, carry in them a poetry and an unequaled strength. ©Minsilizanga.com

Full article on bdpgabon.org