Think outside the box, learn to demystify life
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This text was inspired by my wanderings on the Net recently. While browsing my Facebook news feed, I come across a news item that relates a drama case : a 13-year-old pre-adolescent would have poisoned members of her host family. In view of the comments, the majority were surfing on the mystical-religious wave: JC should return, this child has been bewitched, the demon is gaining ground, and so on.
Who among us, if African, does not come across this kind of posts at least once a day? As if everything, every action must necessarily have a mystical explanation. As if the solution in turn can only come from religiosity. Attention, I do not refute religious thought, faith is a personal matter (or at least should be).
But when religion and her daughter prayer become the universal answer, we should ask ourselves if is the best way to manage our daily challenges
Is it just to relieve one’s conscience because of the incapacity that one feels in front of the situation? If so, we have to be aware of it. Because faced with a drama, simply say “JC returns”, “God is in control” will change absolutely nothing.
Likewise, when faced with something that shocks us, tying to « witchcraft » it immediately may ease our unconscious fears in the face of the unknown, but will not make that fact clearer. Neither will give us solutions. On the contrary, this mystification of everything is rather likely to generate new problems and distance us from the solution.
Example with these children who are quickly accused of sorcerers or of saying that they have been bewitched. Far from finding ways to understand their condition, hello the chaos with such an uncle or old aunt accused of giving the evil eye. Why do I take the case of autism? Because its manifestations are often such that we see mysticism there where simply, a child, if those around him were sensitized, would not pass for “maleficent” or “bewitched. «
So let’s get off the beaten track, learn to demystify life
I say « learn », because like any behavior, this is a learning thing. Ask yourself the added value that this behavior brings you. Does it improve your life? Or is it just here to reassure you? Socrates’ « Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods » has never made so much sense. Because, when we manage to put our finger on what really motivates one of our behaviors, then, we can analyze this behavior with objectivity. ©
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