Nsílí/Question: What is the age range for being young in Africa?

Nsílí/Question: What is the age range for being young in Africa? From what I see: 25, 30, 40, 50 years old, many consider themselves « young » and react as if everything is due to them. As if getting out of their condition would depend more on the good will of those who, according to them, block … Lire l’article…Nsílí/Question: What is the age range for being young in Africa?

Think outside the box, learn to demystify life

Mes écrits en ligne : "Apprenons à démystifier la vie" (Minsilizanga.com)

Think outside the box, learn to demystify life Article originally published on Dzaleu.com This text was inspired by my wanderings on the Net recently. While browsing my Facebook news feed, I come across a news item that relates a drama case : a 13-year-old pre-adolescent would have poisoned members of her host family. In view … Lire l’article…Think outside the box, learn to demystify life

Mintsogán (Thoughts): The unsuspected paths of avoidance

"Pourquoi j'ai quitté certains réseaux sociaux" (Minsili Zanga)

Mintsogán (Thoughts): The unsuspected paths of avoidance Too many people are ready to live vicariously behind anyone who sells this life by proxy to them, no matter how delusional it is. It’s not just drugs, alcohol and other addictions that are used to escape reality Becoming a fan of… It is also to flee a … Lire l’article…Mintsogán (Thoughts): The unsuspected paths of avoidance

Minsili Zanga : Écrivaine + Poétesse. Autodidacte

MINSILI ZANGA : écrivaine et poétesse camerounaise - Dzaleu.com Editor Manager

Minsili Zanga : Écrivaine + Poétesse. Autodidacte Enyiŋ ésíkig fiaŋga bə́bə́lá !*Life is not a joke ! Və wa, Tobəgə wamən !*Sois toi, simplement ! *Ma yanga mina muna : @minsilizanga *I’m also here to talk about my passions : culture, poetry, spirituality and many other subjects.*Je suis aussi ici pour parler de mes passions … Lire l’article…Minsili Zanga : Écrivaine + Poétesse. Autodidacte